Join us for the monthly call that plans it all!

We meet by Zoom. The Wonder More Committee plans the spoken parts of Sunday Assembly’s one-of-a-kind monthly celebration of life. Joining the Wonder More Committee is a great way to get involved at Sunday Assembly Nashville.

We’ll start with a run-through of the reading and trying-my-best segments for the upcoming Assembly. Next we’ll outline plans for our upcoming Assemblies. Then, the fun part! We brainstorm and voice our ideas and hopes… people who might be invited to be future speakers, themes, and readings. We close after nominating hosts to emcee for us, and reviewing everything else that makes our monthly Assemblies fun and inspiring every month.

Felicia Castillo Powers and Don Thomason are our committee co-chairs and hosts. Contact a host for the Zoom login data.


April 29


06:30 pm - 07:30 pm

Click to Register:

Sunday Assembly Nashville

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